EBSCO host 科学技术/商业信息数据库

2010-09-26 08:36|来源:资源建设部|关注度:
访问方式: 校园IP限制
文献形式: PDF
该数据库是EBSCO公司提供的学术信息、商业信息网络版数据库。包括学术期刊数据库(Academic Search Elit)和商业资源数据库(Business Source Premier)。数据库将二次文献与一次文献‚捆绑‚在一起,为最终用户提供文献获取一体化服务,检索结果为文献的目录、文摘、全文(PDF格式)。
学术期刊数据库包括生物科学、工商经济、咨询科技、通讯传播、工程、教育、艺术、医药学等领域的约2,700种期刊,其中1,240种有全文。SCI & SSCI收录的核心期刊为993种(全文有350种)。
商业资源数据库包括经济学、经济管理、金融、会计、劳动人事、银行以及国际商务等领域的约2,000种期刊,其中的1600余种有全文。SCI & SSCI收录的核心期刊为398种(全文有145种)。
EBSCO host
Provided by EBSCO company, this database consists of Academic Search Elit and Business Source Premier. It combines the primary source and the secondary source and can provides the users with contents, abstract and full text (PDF).
Academic Search Elit has 2,700 journals covering biology, business and economy,informationtechnology, communication, engineer, education, art, medicine, etc,1,240 of which provide full text documents.993 core journals are included by SCI & SSCI, 350 of which provide full text.
Business Source Premier has 2,000 journals covering economics,economic management,finance,accountancy, human resources, banking and international business, etc, 1,600 of which provide full text. 398 core journals are included by SCI & SSCI, 145 of which provide full text.
