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Detailed Rules for Identification and Punishments on Examination Regulations Violation of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST)

Feb 1, 2023    Hits:

In order to maintain good education order, to build a good exam ethos, study ethos and school spirit, to defend fairness of school exams and to specify identification and Punishments on examination regulations violation, the regulations are formulated herein by Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST ) in accordance with Education Law of the People 's Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People 's Republic of China, Regulations for University Student Management, Irregularities Approach for National Education Examination, Regulations of Disciplinary Punishment in ZUST and relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules.


Chapter one   Identification and Punishments on Examination Regulations Violation


Examination Regulations Violation refers to acts of disobeying examination rules and refusing to follow the arrangement and management of the examination staff. Examinees whose behavior is identified as the Examination Regulations Violation but not cheating shall be given a warning to serious warning according to the severity of their offenses.

Part one  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be given a warning. Test scores will be recorded as a zero. Examinees can participate in make-up examinations.

I.Carrying unauthorized items into the examination room or put them on the unspecified location;

II.Not sitting in their designated seat or trying to change seats without the examination staff’s permission;

III.Refusing to show certificates for exams and refusing to answer exam staff for questioning;

IV.Answering before exam start signal or after exam end signal is issued;

V.Borrowing or lending out exam utensils without the exam staff’s permission;

VI.Attending examinations without exam qualifications or invigilating teacher’s permission;

VII.Minor violations of the examination rules but haven’t constituted cheating behavior.

Part Two  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be given a serious warning. Test scores will be recorded as a zero. Examinees cannot participate in make-up examinations and are required to repeat the prescribed and restrictive courses.

I.Answering with non-provided pen or paper, writing names or student ID in unspecified area of papers, marking on the answer sheet;

II.Peeping, whispering, giving secret signals or gesture during the exams.

III.Being forced to surrender answer sheets, scratch paper, etc, but never refuse or report;

IV.Leaving the exam room without the exam staff’s permission;

V.Taking examination papers, answer sheets or scratch paper out of the exam room without the staff’s permission;

VI.Making noises or disrupting examination orders in the examination room or the area prohibited by the Educational Testing Agencies;

VII.Serious violations of the examination rules but haven’t constituted cheating behavior.



Chapter Two  Identification and Punishments on Exam Cheating


Exam Cheating refers to acts of violating the principle of ‘fair exams’, obtaining or attempting to obtain exam related information or text scores by improper means. Examinees whose behavior is identified as the exam cheating shall be subject to the punishments like Warming, Serious Warning, Demerit, Probation, Expulsion according to the severity of their offenses. Test scores will be recorded as a zero. Examinees cannot participate in make-up examinations and are required to repeat the prescribed and restrictive courses. If it is found that there is cheating in the integrity test through video playback afterwards, the results of course test will be canceled. If it has been recorded in the system, the teacher will modify the results.

Part Three  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be recorded a demerit:

I.Participating in exams with exam related written material or other electronic devices with exam related information such as mobile phones;

II.Participating in exams with electronic devices with the function of searching, sending or receiving information

III.Writing exam related information on the desktop or body and etc. and being found during exams;

IV.Plagiarizing or assisting others to plagiarizing answers or exam related documents;

V.Passing, accepting papers and other items with exam related information or exchanging papers, answer sheets and scratch papers;

VI.Leaving the exam room with excuses to peek at exam related documents, communicating with others about exam content, or being found carrying exam related material when return;

VII.Destroying papers, answer sheets or exam materials on purpose;

VIII.Serious violation of examination rules or other behaviors which cause baneful influence or exam cheating.

Part Four  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be put on probation:

I.The non- organizers of the pre-appointed cheating incident which includes more three partners;

II.Transmitting or receiving exam related information through communication tools during exams;

III.Snatching or stealing others’ papers and answer sheets or forcing others to help with the plagiarism;

IV.Checking answers with each other, trying to take papers out of the examination room to modify or returning to modify papers after handing them in;

V.Receiving a demerit recording punishment for cheating in the examination, and cheating again during the punishment period shall be demerit recording punishment;

VI.Serious violations of examination rules or other cheating behaviors.

Part Five  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be expelled from school:

I.Forging certificates, proofs, files and other material to get exam qualification or test scores;

II.Participating in the exams for other or asking others to participate for themselves;

III.Cheating by using communication equipment or other equipment during the examination;

IV.The organizers of the pre-appointed cheating incident which includes more three partners;

V.Buying, selling or getting exam content or answers through theft or internet access;

VI.Trying to change papers or exam scores through unfair means and illegal behaviors after the exams;

VII.Cheating again during process of being kept in school but placed under surveillance within one semester;

VIII.Serious violations of examination rules, cheating, or other behaviors with vile plots and serious consequences.

Part Six  Related items are permitted only to be used by examinees themselves in the open-book examination. Open-book Examination regulations are implemented in accordance with the first to the fifth article of the present rules.

Part Seven  Those who are found have violated discipline, cheated in the exam or asked exam staff to assist in the implementation of the cheating need to be reported by relevant school and report to the Teaching Affairs Department. After being ascertained by the Teaching Affairs Department, depending on the severity of their offenses, examinees shall be punished in accordance with the first to the fifth article of the present rules.

Part Eight  If more than two (including two) papers of the same subject from the same examination room are found with identical answers or exam-related notes are found in the marking process, after investigation and verification, according to the severity of the case, related examinees shall be punished in accordance with the third to the fifth article of the present rules.

Part Nine  Asking the teacher to improve text scores by begging, presenting gifts, treating, threatening or other means after exams is treated as exam cheating. Depending on the severity of the case, they will be punished in accordance with the third to the fifth article of the present rules.

Part Ten  Those who disrupt the order of workplaces such as the testing center, exam room, marking field and etc. on purpose, refuse or obstruct invigilator teachers to fulfill their management responsibilities, threat, insult, libel, frame staff or other examinees shall be given probation or expulsion depending on the severity of their offenses. Examinees or other personnel who violate Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security will be punished by the public security organs. In the case which constitutes a crime, related personnel shall be punished for criminal responsibility by judicial organs.


Chapter Three  Identification and Punishments on Examination Regulations

 Violation and Cheating


To make punishments appropriate to the circumstances and consequences, punishments on examination regulations violation and cheating is always following the principle of ‘fair, open, legal and appropriate’ and based on the facts. Students enjoy the right to state and appeal.

Part Eleven  Once a examinee is found violating exam rules or cheating, invigilators should stop him answering the paper, withdraw the paper, sent him/her to Examination Office to state circumstances, and fill out Exam Cheating Record Form for Examinees of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology as well. The cheating documents or tools should be handed in and kept by the Examination Office until the result of processing comes out. Meanwhile, invigilators should fill out Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University and Science and Technology to record the details of exam cheating. Then inform the offending students the content of the records and ask him/her to sign it. Lastly, Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(signed) should be sent to Teaching Affairs Department together with tools and papers after the exam. Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology is the proof of exam cheating, it should be signed by invigilators.

Part Twelve After the examination, if it is found that there is any violation of discipline or cheating in the examination through video playback, the inspector, invigilator and the student's academic staff of the secondary college shall be immediately notified to watch the video and take a screenshot for evidence, and the video shall be kept as evidence, and the video viewer shall fill in the record form of Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.  After submitting the form to the academic affairs office, the Academic Affairs Office shall deal with it according to relevant procedures.

Part Thirteen After the examination, if teachers find highly similar identical papers during the examination, they shall fill in the record form of Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The form will be submitted it to the school of giving courses for identification and issue handling opinions to the academic affairs office, which shall handle it according to relevant procedures. If other means such as begging, giving gifts, entertaining, threatening and so on require teachers to raise points and add points, they shall also fill in the record form of Exam Cheating Record Form for Exam Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The college shall give handling opinions to the academic affairs office, which shall handle them according to relevant procedures.

Part Fourteen The fact and proof of exam cheating should be rechecked within one working day, then posted by Teaching Affairs Department together with subordinated school in which the students study . Meanwhile, subordinated school in which the students study must criticize and educate the offending students, and fill out Talks Record Form for offending students of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.

Part Fifteen  Teaching Affairs Department should submit proposal of handling the case, draft the documents for students’ punishments in accordance with the present regulations. According to Regulations of Disciplinary Punishment in ZUST, on behalf of the University, Student Affairs Office should draft the notice and announces it.

Part Sixteen  Subordinated school in which the students study should send the official sanction documents to students and their parents as soon as they receive it. If the offending students and parents are undeliverable, subordinated school in which the students study should take appropriate manners to publish the documents in the university.

Part Seventeen  Students’ disagreement should be handled in accordance with the provisions of the school student complaint handling procedures.


Chapter Four  Supplementary Articles


Part Eighteen  The regulations are applicable to all the exams for full-time students in ZUST. The illegal behaviors of students participating in the national examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Measures for Handling the Illegal Behaviors of National Education Examination.

Part Nineteen  Disciplinary offenses that were not listed in the provision shall be judged on similar principles to give the appropriate punishment.

Part Twenty The offending students who show a good attitude in resplendence, actively cooperate with the investigation, and perform well in normal times can be given the discretion to reduce a sanction; Conversely, the heavier punishment.

Part Twenty-one  These regulations shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation. The old version of regulations (ZUST (2016) No. 20) are abolished. If there are difference between other provisions and this regulation, the latter shall prevail.

Part Twenty-two  Teaching Affairs Department is responsible for the interpretation.


