Security services

Emergency Assistance

Feb 3, 2023 Hits:

Emergency/Security Services

Zhejiang is a safe place to live in. It is particularly safe to live and study in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology campus. Nevertheless there are a few precautions to take:

First of all, take good care of your passport, money and important documents. At ordinary times, don’t carry your passport and large sum of cash on your person. Your student ID card should be sufficient both on campus and anywhere in Hangzhou to verify your identification and student status. If you leave expensive items in your room, make sure to lock the door, turn off all the lights and faucets and close the windows.

Follow all traffic rules and be cautious of traffic safety. Riding motorcycles is prohibited on the campus for safety.

In case of emergency or other troubles, call the police at once and at the same time report to theInternational Students Affairs Center, where the staff can be of assistance.

Emergency Phone Numbers:

Police: 110

Fire: 119

Traffic Accident: 122

Medical Emergency: 120

Campus 24-hour Emergency: 85070110

For the concern of safety, students are forbidden to ride motorcycles, or your motorcycles will be confiscated.


