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郑兴,教授,博士生导师。德国柏林工业大学环境工程博士,沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学博士后,曾任丹麦格兰富水处理研发专家、项目经理。全职回国工作后,2017年入选陕西省“百人计划”,担任陕西省“节水与水回用”创新团队带头人、国家环保设备质量检验监督中心(江苏)学术带头人、中国化工学会环保专业委员会委员、中国工程建设标准化协会智慧水务委员会委员、陕西省碳达峰碳中和标委会委员。SCI期刊“ProcessSafety andEnvironmentalProtection”编委。





Yifan Wang,Xing Zheng*, Dongfei Li, Jiayu Tian, Hua Wu, Yaozhong Zhang,Comparison of membrane fouling induced by protein, polysacchardie and humic acid under sodium and calcium ionic conditions,Desalination, 2023,548, 116236

Xiaolin Li,Xing Zheng*, Heyun Yang, Jiangjiang Pan,Tong Liu, Xin Cao, Yaozhong Zhang, Xiaopeng Qiu, Yi-fan Wang, Yifan Wang, Sijia Lu, Jiayu Tian, Hao Ma,Variation of the Toxicity of Industrial Wastewater during Treatment Processes, accepted,Science of the total Environment, 2023, 858, Part 2, 159856

Yifan Wang,Xing Zheng*, Kang Xiao, Jinkai Xue, Mathias Ulbricht, Yaozhong Zhang,Does time matter? A comparison of fouling caused by polysaccharide, protein, and humic substances on PVDF membranes over different adsorption durations,accepted,Science of the total environment, 2022

Sijia Lu,Xiaoliang Li,Xing Zheng*,Gang Tang,Tong Liu,YanchunKe,Bao Liu,Hua Wu,Electrochemical treatment of waste activated sludge: Volume reduction mechanism and improvement possibilities,Separation and Purification Technology,300,121617,2022

Yuanxin Zhai,Dan Bai,Yifan Wang,Yaozhong Zhang,Yongchao Qi,Xiaopeng Qiu, Yi-fan Wang, Yixuan Wang,Xing Zheng*,Effect of Na+ on Organic Fouling Depends on Na+ Concentration and the Property of the Foulants,Desalination, 531, 115709,2022

GangTang,XiaolinLi,ZiWang,KaiWang,BinruiLi,ChongxuanLiu,XingZheng*,Dynamic relationship between dissolved organic matter and soluble microbial products during wastewater treatment,Journal of Cleaner Production,317, 128448,2021

Yifang Wang,Xing Zheng*, Zi Wang, Yaozhong Zhang, Jinkai Xue, Effects of–COOH and–NH2 on adsorptive polysaccharide fouling under varying pH conditions: Contributing factors and underlying mechanisms,Journal of membrane Science, 621,118933,2020

Yaozhong Zhang, Tao Wang, Junjie Meng,Xing Zheng*, Jinkai Xue, A novel conductive composite membrane with polypyrrole (PPy) and stainless-steel mesh: Fabrication, performance, and anti-fouling mechanism,Journal of membrane Science,621,118937,2020

GangTang,XingZheng*,XiaolinLi,TongLiu,YanWang,YinliangMa,YetongJi,Xiaopeng Qiu,YiWan,BaozhuPan,Variation of effluent organic matter (EfOM) during anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) wastewater treatment processes,Water Research,178, 115830,2020

Xing Zheng*,Tong Liu, Menghan Guo, Dong Li, Na Gou, Xin Cao, Xiaopeng Qiu, Xiaoliang Li, Yaozhong Zhang, Guoping Sheng, Baozhu Pan,April Z. Gu,Zhanbin Li,Impact of Heavy Metals on the Formation and Properties of Solvable Microbiological Products Released from Activated Sludge in Biological Wastewater Treatment,Water Research,179, 115895,2020

学术专著:Major Organic Foulants in Ultrafiltration of Treated Domestic Wastewater and their Removal by Bio-filtration as Pre-treatment,ISBN 978-3-89720-557-4


版权所有 ©环境与资源学院 hougin@ZUST.edu.cn浙ICP备12004723号
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