论文: 1. Shihao Ge,Beiping Hou,Wen Zhu,Yuzhen Zhu,Senjian Lu,and Yangbin Zheng,Pixel-Level Collision-Free Grasp Prediction Network for Medical Test Tube Sorting on Cluttered Trays,IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS,2023.12 2. Feiyang Hu,Beiping Hou,Wen Zhu,Yuzhen Zhu,and Qinlong Zhang,CloudY-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Joint Segmentation and Classification of Ground-Based Cloud Images,Atmosphere,2023.9 3. Yuzhen Zhu,Beiping Hou,DRCNN: decomposing residual convolutional neural networks for time series forecasting,Scientifc Reports,2023.9 4. Wen Zhu, Tianliang Chen, Beiping Hou, Classifification of Ground-Based Cloud Images by Improved Combined Convolutional Network, Applied sciences, 2022.2 5. Wen Zhu,Lingchao Chen,Beiping Hou,Weihan Li,Point cloud registration of arrester based on scale‑invariant points feature histogram,Scientifc Reports, 2022.12 6. Aihua Yu, Ming Tang, Gang Li, Beiping Hou, A Novel Robust Classification Method for Ground-Based clouds,Atomospere, 2021.12 7. W Liu, B Hou, Y Wang, Y Yao, L Zhou, Sparse Structural Principal Component Thermography for Defect Signal Enhancement in Subsurface Defects Detection, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021.12 8. 侯北平,张晓刚,基于频域滤波的电缆线芯图像纹理消除研究,仪器仪表学报,2021.11 9. 刘宇,侯北平,基于深度残差网络的电缆绝缘层截面图像分类研究,电线电缆,2021.5 10. Wen Zhu, Fei Dong, Beiping Hou, Segmenting Semi-conductive Shielding Layer of Cable Slice Images Using Convolutional Neural Network, Polymers, 2020.9 11. 董霏,侯北平,基于机器视觉的线缆导体质量检测研究,电子测量与仪器学报.2020,6 12. 黄俊,侯北平,基于方向纹理的非结构化道路消失点检测研究,图学学报,2019.1 13. Zhou Le, Chen Junghui, Hou Beiping and Song Zhihuan, Multi-Grade Principal Component Analysis for Fault Detection with Multiple Production Grades, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2018 14. Zhou Le, Chen Junghui, Yao Le, Song Zhihuan, Hou Beiping, Similarity based robust probability latent variable regression model and its kernel extension for process monitoring, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2017,161,88-95 15. Beiping Hou,Jing Jie,Wen Zhu, A real-time visual and control system for screw holes location and shielding of automobile wheel hubs, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2017.6 16. Xiumei Li, Huang Bai, Beiping Hou,A gradient-based approach to optimization of compressed sensing systems, Signal Processing, 2017.1 17. Beiping Hou, Zhihui Zhu, Gang Li, Aihua Yu ,An Efficient Algorithm for Overcomplete Sparsifying Transform Learning with Signal Denoising, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2016.7 18. Aihua Yu,Huang Bai, Binbin Sun, Beiping Hou, Face recognition based on optimized projections for distributed intelligent monitoring systems. International Journal of Distributed Sensor networks,2016.10 专利: 1.一种基于图像处理的电缆半导电层自动检测方法,发明专利 2.一种光伏发电装置的防风预警方法,发明专利 3. 基于旋转不变纹理特征的灯管表面瑕疵分类方法及系统,发明专利 4. 面向光伏发电的地基云图云层跟踪及预警方法,发明专利 5. 一种基于子空间分析的分类识别方法 ,发明专利 6. 一种基于机器视觉的粉管检测方法及其检测系统,发明专利 7. 一种重型汽车连杆成品质量检测系统,发明专利 8. 一种基于图像采集的快递分拣过程重量监控方法及系统,发明专利 9. 融合机器视觉与激光扫描的快递条码自动识别方法及系统 ,发明专利 10. 基于DDS杂散频率应用的矢量网络分析方法,发明专利 11. 基于光幕测量的汽车轮毂螺孔识别方法、遮盖方法及系统,发明专利 12. 基于机器视觉的汽车轮毂螺孔识别方法、遮盖方法及系统,发明专利 13. 一种带有太阳遮挡机构的全景天空图像采集装置,实用新型专利 14. 一种跟踪太阳云台装置 ,实用新型专利 软件成果: 1. 线缆绝缘层参数智能分析系统软件 2. 基于三维重建的高压电缆参数测量软件 3. 电缆线芯参数智能检测系统软件 4. 面向光伏发电功率预测的云团分类软件 5. 植物叶片标本图像处理与识别软件 6. 面向太阳预报的全景天空鱼眼图像校正软件 7. 基于视觉感知的工程车驾驶行为评估与识别系统 8. 基于图像处理的轮毂中心孔和螺栓孔圆心定位与系统 9. 云层图像实时跟踪软件 10. 光伏发电短期功率预报软件 11. 机械零件图像实时跟踪软件 荣誉及奖励: 1.“中德引领·六化融合”依托现代产业学院的自动化类人才培养体系探索与实践,浙江省自动化学会高等教育教学成果奖一等奖,2022.10 近三年指导学生获奖励荣誉: 1. AgroEye项目 2020年第六届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 国家奖铜奖/省金奖 2. TangerineArm项目 2022年第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 国家奖铜奖 3. 光伏发电功率预报智能检测系统 2023年第二届大学生低碳循环科技创新大赛 全国特等奖